Category Archives: Cloud Software

Case Closed Software Announces the Launch of CaseNexus – A Revolutionary Real-Time Case Matching and Intelligence Sharing Platform for Law Enforcement


Austin, TX – March 20, 2025 – Case Closed Software™, the industry leader in investigation management solutions, is proud to announce the release of CaseNexus™, a groundbreaking real-time case matching and intelligence-sharing platform designed exclusively for law enforcement and investigative agencies. CaseNexus leverages cutting-edge encryption, real-time notifications, and proprietary hashing technology to enable secure, cross-agency collaboration—without ever compromising sensitive case data.

“Law enforcement agencies face increasing pressure to solve cases quickly and work collaboratively across jurisdictions, but data security and operational integrity are often at odds with that goal,” said Douglas Wood, CEO of Case Closed Software. “We knew there had to be a better way to securely match and share intelligence in real time without exposing sensitive information—and that’s exactly what we’ve built with CaseNexus.”

Unmatched Security and Real-Time Intelligence

At the heart of CaseNexus is a proprietary hashing and encryption engine that allows agencies to store case data securely and match it against other agencies’ hashed data in real time. Unlike traditional data-sharing platforms, CaseNexus ensures that no raw data is ever exposed during the matching process, maintaining the highest levels of operational security.

Key Features of CaseNexus:

  • Real-Time Matching: CaseNexus processes and compares hashed data instantly, ensuring that investigators are notified of potential matches without delay.
  • End-to-End Encryption: All data is encrypted using AES-256, the highest industry standard for data protection.
  • Proprietary Hashing Algorithm: Data is converted into secure hashes using a one-way, irreversible algorithm, ensuring that even matched data remains confidential.
  • Instant Notifications: When a match is found, CaseNexus delivers real-time notifications to authorized personnel, enabling immediate action.
  • Cross-Agency Collaboration: Agencies can securely compare and match case data across jurisdictions without exposing sensitive information.
  • Zero-Knowledge Architecture: CaseNexus is designed so that even the platform itself cannot access or view the underlying data, preserving the integrity of investigative work.

Transforming Law Enforcement Investigations

CaseNexus is purpose-built for specialized law enforcement units and multi-jurisdictional task forces, including:

  • High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTAs): Facilitates secure, real-time tracking of drug networks and criminal activity across jurisdictions.
  • Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Forces: Enables faster identification of offenders and coordinated responses.
  • Human Trafficking and Exploitation Units: Matches intelligence across local, state, and federal agencies without compromising data security.
  • Counterterrorism and Organized Crime Units: Links seemingly unrelated cases and patterns to uncover larger networks and threats.
  • Fusion Centers and Intelligence Units: Enhances real-time threat analysis and situational awareness.
  • Cold Case and Homicide Units: Uncovers hidden connections between cases and previously unidentified suspects.
  • Financial Crimes and Cybercrime Units: Detects patterns in fraudulent activity and cyberattacks across agencies.
  • Weapons Trafficking and Firearms Task Forces: Matches ballistic data and gun trafficking networks securely and instantly.

Solving Cases Faster, Smarter, and Safer

“CaseNexus solves a problem that has plagued law enforcement for decades: the inability to securely and efficiently share intelligence across agencies without risking data exposure,” said Douglas Wood. “With CaseNexus, agencies can work together faster and smarter—without compromising security.”

About Case Closed Software

Case Closed Software is a leading provider of investigative case management solutions for law enforcement, federal agencies, and intelligence organizations. Known for its secure, scalable, and innovative platforms, Case Closed Software empowers investigative teams with the tools they need to solve cases efficiently while maintaining the highest levels of data protection and compliance.


CaseNexus is now available to qualified law enforcement and investigative agencies. For more information or to schedule a demo, visit

Case Closed Software Announces TX-RAMP Certification

March 23, 2023 (Austin, TX)  We are proud to announce that Case Closed Software™ has achieved TX-RAMP Certification, a prestigious recognition that demonstrates our commitment to providing secure and reliable software solutions for our clients.

The Texas Risk Assessment and Mitigation Program (TX-RAMP) certification is awarded to companies that have met strict security standards and have implemented robust risk assessment and mitigation processes. This certification recognizes our dedication to providing our clients with the highest level of security and reliability in our software solutions.

At Case Closed Software, we deliver unparalleled case management software for law enforcement and we understand the importance of protecting sensitive data and confidential information. That’s why we have invested heavily in developing a secure software platform that meets the rigorous security standards required by TX-RAMP certification.

We believe that this certification is a testament to our commitment to providing our clients with the best possible software solutions while maintaining the highest level of security and reliability. We are proud to have achieved this certification and look forward to continuing to provide our clients with the best possible service.

Texas HIDTA Drug Task Force Deploys Case Closed Software™

A large, multi-jurisdictional drug task force in Texas has turned to Case Closed Software™ in its fight against drug trafficking, in partnership with the U.S. High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Program.

The drug task force consists of several county and local law enforcement agencies in conjunction with the District Attorney’s Office.

The HIDTA program, created by Congress with the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, provides assistance to Federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies operating in areas determined to be critical drug-trafficking regions of the United States.

The HIDTA’s mission is to reduce drug availability by creating intelligence-driven drug task forces aimed at eliminating or reducing domestic drug trafficking and its harmful consequences through enhancing and helping to coordinate drug trafficking control efforts among federal, tribal, state and local law enforcement agencies.

By deploying drug task force software from Case Closed Software, agents across the county can track cases, suspects, reports, evidence and an array of other information to increase prosecution and conviction rates.


GA Sheriff’s Office Deploys Case Closed Software™ for Investigation Case Management

(April 6, 2021)  Austin, TX – Case Closed Software™, a leading provider of investigation case management software to specialized investigation unit, today announced that a large Georgia Sheriff’s Office has signed a multi-year contract for their secure, cloud-based systems.

The Peach State county, serving tens of thousands of residents, selected Case Closed Software after speaking with existing users and testing the functionality with their own data.  Case Closed Software will help the county’s Sheriff’s Office and associated Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Force work investigations more efficiently with a goal to close criminal cases more quickly.

According to Douglas Wood, President of Case Closed Software, the county selected his company’s offering due to the flexibility and overall feature set it offers.

Case Closed Software is powerful and feature-rich software for specialized investigation units.


“We’re thrilled to add this new law enforcement client to our delighted customer base”, said Mr. Wood. “We very proudly focus on specialized investigation units which include state bureaus of investigation, fugitive recovery agents, anti-human trafficking investigators, drug task forces, internet crimes against children units, and local law enforcement.”

Case Closed Software has begun implementation of the software and expects the County to be fully installed and trained by April 30, 2021.

Old West crime meets New Age technology

Billy the Kid carved his name into history through his exploits during and after the Lincoln County War.  In a career filled with almost impossible escapes and daring acts in battle, the “Kid” nevertheless found himself on the losing side of the war and, in its aftermath, was branded the West’s most notorious and wanted desperado.

Cold West Investigations uses advanced software to breathe new life into old west cases such as Billy The Kid (pictured)

Reportedly killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett in 1881, rumors persisted that the Kid survived, and new evidence developed by Cold West Detective Agency may prove that the Kid lived well into the Atomic Age.

Cold West Detective Agency takes a different and unique approach to history. While historians like to ‘study’ it, Cold West detectives actually ‘investigate’ it as a cold case.  Working with law enforcement, Cold West detectives bring distinctive and rare expertise to the investigation of historical cold cases.

Blending old-west footwork with leading-edge investigation case management technologies from Texas-based Case Closed Software, Cold West detectives perform robust investigations at these century-old crime scenes.

Cold West picks up where history left off, and that can make some historians uncomfortable.  It’s been said that “dead men tell no tales”, but when Cold West’s group of hardened investigators combine their expertise and curiosity with Case Closed Software, these investigations come back alive, and history begins to speak its secrets.

Cold West uses the “posse method”, utilizing experts from any and every field required to move the case forward.  They work hand-in-hand with local Sheriffs, police, tech experts, federal agents, historians, and other experts, using cutting edge modern crime scene investigative methods (CSI) to develop never before seen and court-accepted evidence that changes history.

“Case Closed Software has been a game-changer for us”, said Steve Sederwall the co-founder of Cold West and former federal criminal investigator. “Our ability to blend all of our new investigation findings with all of those historical records helps us identify and develop new tips on our historical cases.”

Read a cool BuzzFeed feature on Steve Sederwall and Cold West HERE.

Recently, Cold West – in the midst of investigating another famous old west crime – used Case Closed to develop previously unknown information that could completely change history’s view of the case.  That investigation continues today.

“I like to think about how Jesse James or Billy The Kid would react to seeing how the accepted narrative of their demise is being changed through the work of Cold West detectives using modern and leading-edge technology”, added Case Closed Software’s president Douglas Wood.

Case Closed Cloud adds Multi-State Natural Resources Task Force

(September 20, 2018) Austin, TX – Case Closed Software® announced today that a 5 State Natural Resources/Law Enforcement Task Force has begun working on the Case Closed Cloud™ platform for advanced investigative case management.

imageedit_1_5054046854.pngThe task force – consisting of natural resources law enforcement agents from Illinois, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, and Missouri – selected Case Closed Cloud due to its ease-of-use, quick deployment model, and cost-effective pricing.


“We are thrilled to add another big name multi-jurisdictional task force to our group of cloud customers,  said Douglas Wood, CEO of Case Closed Cloud’s parent company Crime Technology Solutions, LLC. “Our SaaS offering is now used by agencies, security firms, drug task forces, and other investigative organizations both here in the U.S. and overseas”,

Case Closed Cloud is an ultra secure, CJIS-compliant investigation case management system designed for investigative agencies that want to stay organized and manage cases more easily. The browser-based system includes functionality for tracking cases, investigator actions and supplemental reports, evidence (both physical and electronic), reporting, tips and leads, and much more.

“Cloud software has so many benefits for law enforcement. It is the fastest growing segment of the market by far.” added Mr. Wood.

For more information on how Case Closed Cloud can help you revolutionize your investigative unit, visit



Case Actions: The Baseline for Productive Investigations.

Let’s face it… RMS software, by and large, is not designed for managing major cases. Agencies know it, and the RMS vendors know it. For them, the notion of managing the complexities of major case investigations is an afterthought at best.

(The answer I give to these inquiries, by the way, is that any good investigation management software should have capabilities to ingest data from other law enforcement products, including RMS).

The more important point, however, is recognizing that criminal investigators gather vasts amounts of information during the course of an investigation. Witness statements, interviews, interrogations, tips, leads, informant statements, audio files, video files, photos, and much more. Too often, agents must rely on their RMS systems which, per above, are not purpose-built for investigations. Investigators also rely heavily on paper files and file cabinets full of notes, search warrants, and physical evidence.

Fortunately, there is an alternative… purpose built investigation case management software that utilizes what I call ‘Case Actions’ as the underlying workflow. Case Actions are the individual actions that an investigation unit takes in pursuit of closing a case. These are the investigative supplemental reports.  Case Actions are expansive in nature, and include:

  • Crime Scene Visits
  • Interviews
  • Interrogations
  • Knock ‘n Talks
  • Surveillance
  • DNA
  • Search Warrants
  • Affidavits
  • Controlled Buys
  • Arrests

… and much, much more. You get the idea, though.

By effectively logging each Case Action in a particular Case, the investigators (and management) are able to quickly and visually recognize the status of the case, and what further actions should be taken. Each Case Action leads to new information… which leads to new Case Actions. And the beat goes on. Hopefully, sooner rather than later, enough information is garnered to close the case. That’s the power of Case Action based workflow.

With the Case Action based approach, each Case Action is tied to Persons, Locations, Vehicles, etc. As a result, robust dossiers of these things are built without the individual agent(s) even realizing it.

By utilizing an investigation case management solution that is based upon Case Actions, law enforcement can leverage information from previously-entered data such as telephone numbers, evidence items, addresses, persons, gang members, etc. The Case Actions feed themselves – and each other – to build a valuable repository of investigative information.

An example: A detective has received a tip that Doug Wood is involved in a particular criminal activity. By accessing her Case Action-based system, she quickly learns that Doug Wood has been a Suspect in Case 1 (belonging to an entirely different investigator), and a Witness in Case 2 (belonging to a third investigator).

She also learns (via Case Actions performed by the Gang Unit) that Doug Wood shares an address with a confirmed Gang Member and goes by the nickname ‘Woody’. She also sees Doug’s previous addresses, telephone numbers, work history, social media accounts and so on… each of which has been logged as part of completely unique Case Actions.

That is the power of Case Actions based investigation management software. Because each previous Case Action involving Doug Wood was logged, the current investigator has a goldmine of information at her fingertips.

Case Closed Software is the leading provider of Case Action based investigation case management software for law enforcement. Contact Us for a demo today!

Investigation Software: Sunshine through the Cloud

As we have noted in previous posts, “The Cloud” is one of those terms that seem intimidating to the uninitiated. You hear about it all the time, yet many people aren’t quite sure what it is, exactly. This misunderstanding of technology is seen in all sorts of environments, from business to law enforcement.
This is especially unfortunate in the world of law enforcement because using cloud-based solutions can enhance productivity, foster better communication between agencies, and reduce operating costs. Simply put, law enforcement must adapt to this internet-based technology or be left in the 20th century.
Traditionally, police data has been kept in separate hubs referred to as “siloes”. Each type of task a law enforcement officer performs may require accessing data from a different silo. For example, a detective may need to access arrest records and phone records from two different places. With cloud-based solutions, police can access or submit data from any device that is linked to a single central hub. This cuts out a ton of unnecessary clerical work and leaves law enforcement with more time and resources to actually enforce the law.
Accessing crucial data from mobile devices allows officers to be more situationally aware as well, which increases officer safety. Additionally, rather than hosting their own servers and maintaining physical records of data, agencies can spend just a fraction of the cost for access to servers hosted off-site, in the cloud, without forfeiting any ease of access.
The cloud is also becoming less cost prohibitive. Cloud services are not only becoming less expensive, but the ability to pay for only the data that is used is an advantage for agencies that previously had to guess how much bandwidth or server space they would need. Additionally, ease of access to security updates keeps vital information secure from malicious hackers who would access the data for nefarious purposes.
The cloud is the obvious solution for data storage in the 21st century. From business to law enforcement, organizations that utilize the cloud can be sure there are clear skies ahead.
Douglas Wood is CEO of Crime Technology Solutions, LLC and Case Closed Software, a provider of on-premise and cloud-based investigation software for law enforcement and other investigative agencies.

Multi-Jurisdiction Drug Task Force in TN Implements Case Closed Cloud™

tennessee(April 10, 2018) Austin, TX – A large, multi-jurisdictional drug and violent crimes task force in Tennessee is battling the opioid epidemic with the help of Case Closed Cloud™ Software. The CJIS-Compliant investigation case management software includes a fully-featured Gang Database and functionality for managing Confidential Informants.
Of special interest to the Judicial Drug and Violent Crimes Task Force is the functionality for task force members – irrespective of Agency – to access the software on any device and from any location.
surveillance“Task force members can easily add gang members for review, gang events, scars/marks/tattoos, and a host of other important information for the purpose of battling drugs and gangs”, said a Case Closed Software spokesperson.
The software helps ensure individual gang members’ civil liberties are not violated through a rigid ‘member approval’ process, and an automated purging process.
“Case Closed Cloud helps the task force organize their efforts, collect vital intelligence, and investigate crimes across jurisdictions”, said the spokesperson.
For more information on Case Closed Cloud, please click HERE.

The Taxman Cometh (With Case Closed Cloud™)

(March 5, 2018) Austin, TX – Case Closed Software® announced today that one of the largest constitutional tax collectors in the state of Florida has selected Case Closed Cloud™ as its next-generation investigative case management platform.
The county office serves approximately 1.5M residents,  and is involved in the collection of taxes and the investigation of all related criminal cases. Through Case Closed Cloud, the agency will easily manage files and documents associated with individual cases and specific case actions.
The agency acts an independent agency to be free from influence by local or state agencies that have the power to levy taxes, and serves the county as its agent for the administration of varying taxes.
“A unique feature of Case Closed Cloud is the ability for agencies to use their own forms in conjunction with the software”, said Douglas Wood, president of Case Closed Software. “The tax collector’s office will have full access to all of the materials they need, wherever they need them, through our cloud-based case management software”.
Case Closed Cloud is an innovative new Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) investigation management platform from Crime Tech Solutions, LLC – a leading provider of software to law enforcement, state agencies, and other investigative agencies.
“Case Close Cloud is an innovative new offering, and is already disrupting the case management industry”, said Douglas Wood, the company’s founder and chief executive. “This new customer chose us specifically for our unparalleled feature set, and because they can literally start using the system immediately without any internal IT headaches.”
Case Closed Software offers its software in both ‘on-premise’ and ‘cloud-based’ deployments, meaning that customers can quickly deploy the functionality in the manner that best suits their business requirements.